pp108 : Uploading an Application (Deprecated)

Uploading an Application (Deprecated)

This topic describes the procedure to upload an application (ISV Package).

Before you begin this task:
You must have the role of systemAdmin to upload an application.

To install or upgrade an application, you can upload an application from your local computer. Below is the procedure.

  1. In the My Applications App Palette on CUSP, select (Application Registry). The Application Registry - Installed Applications page appears and displays the installed applications.
  2. Click on the toolbar to install an applications. The Application Registry - Install New Applications page is displayed with a list of applications that can be installed on different machines.
  3. Click Upload button to browse and load the selected application to a web server (through which you are accessing Process Platform) and then start installing the application . The Choose file dialog box appears.
  4. Browse and select the required application and click Open.

    An application is uploaded and displayed in the Application Registry - Install/Upgrade Applications page.